भूलेख Land records online of all states of india
अपने जमीन का खसरा खतौनी देखे
Andhra Pradesh आंध्र प्रदेश Land Records
Bihar बिहार खसरा विवरण
Chhatisgarh छत्तीसगढ़ भुइयां
Delhi दिल्ली Land Records
Goa गोवा Land Records
Gujrat गुजरात भूमि विवरण
Haryana हरयाणा जमा बंदी
Himanchal Pradesh हिमान्चल प्रदेश Land Records
Jharkhand झारखंड Land Records
Karnataka कर्नाटक Mee Bhoomi
Kerala केरला E-Rekha
Madhya Pradesh मध्य प्रदेश भू - अभिलेख
Maharashtra महाराष्ट्र माल मत्ता
Odisha उड़ीसा भूलेख
Puducherry पुदुचेरी Land Records
Punjab पंजाब Land Records
Rajasthan राजस्थान अपना खाता
Tamilnadu तमिलनाडु Chitta
Telangana तेलंगाना Adangal Pahani
Tripura त्रिपुरा Land Records
Uttarakhand उत्तराखंड भूलेख
Uttar Pradesh उत्तरप्रदेश भूलेख
West Bengal वेस्ट बंगाल Land Records
Bhulekh-भूलेख Land Records of many states of India have have been made digitally available on their respective websites. Through this app you can access all of available websites at one place for Land Records like bhulekh, mebhoomi, khasra khatauni, ROR etc.
Additionally Area Unit Convertor and Land / Plot area calculator with most of the Indian Measurement Units like Beegha, Biswa, Kattha, Karnal, Guntha is also bundled with this app to facilitate user specially persons dealing with Land , Measurement.